Monday, January 20, 2025

Enrolment Notifications via Microsoft Intune

There’s new functionality released within Microsoft Intune that can be configured to automatically notify end-users when a device tied to their user account has been enroled, these can be in the form of emails and \ or push notifications, more information here on the what’s new page, this is a good development as this is now natively built-in, previously a PowerApp \ Automation \ Logic App \ Azure Log Analytics may have been utilised for this functionality. Let’s have a play and see how it works \ looks.

Applicable Platforms

Notifications can be setup for the following platforms:

  • Android (Enterprise and Device Administrator)
  • iOS/iPadOS
  • macOS
  • Windows 10/11

Notification Types

Notifications can be an email and \ or push notification.

How to configure

First of all, you must configure a notification profile per platform, in each enrolment platform section within MEMAC, you will see an Enrolment notifications (preview) available, here’s under Windows enrolment for example:

Another example for Apple enrolment:

And so on, for this example, I want to setup a notification profile for my Windows devices, go under Windows Enrolment select Enrolment notifications (preview) and select Create notifications:

Enter a name and description for your profile:

Now we have the option to either turn on Push Notification and \ or Email Notification, I will select both:

This now gives you various options, the subject and message fields are mandatory, everything else is optional. I have put in something light for testing at this time, but note that the email notification template does support HTML code, which I will use to demonstrate:

Here’s some HTML code I used as a test:

A new Windows device has been enroled by you, if this was <b>not</b> you please inform the IT Service Desk for further assistance via this <a href="https://">link</a>.

Further down the page, there are some of the optional sections to include, which seem to only apply to the email notification, most of these options are pulled from the customisation section within the MEMAC portal so always good to ensure that this is present and optimised for your organisation, in particular logos and contact information, for me, I will enable the following:

Assign the notification profile to users or groups that contain users, devices are not supported , for my example, I will assign to all users, confirmation of my settings:

Note: Filters are also supported for iOS and Windows platforms.

Trust but Verify

Now that we have our policy setup, let’s enrol a Windows device and see how the notifications appear!

Push Notification

On my Android device which is enroled within Intune, the Intune app notification is as so:

Email Notification

Here is the email containing the HTML code we entered earlier along with the additional options we specified:

Additional resources

Set up enrollment notifications in Intune – Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn

Until next time!