Thursday, February 13, 2025

Set DNS Suffixes via Microsoft Intune

Post on how to easily set DNS suffixes via Microsoft Intune to your endpoints, this is especially helpful for end users so they don’t have to type in the full FQDN within environments where internal resources such as file shares are widely used and web sites are internally being hosted, etc.

Create the Settings Catalog Configuration Profile

Let’s get straight into it and create the configuration profile, for this, we’ll use a settings catalog profile, open Endpoint Manager via this link and sign in using your administrative credentials, then go Devices > Configuration Profiles and then Create Profile, select the following options:

  • Platform = Windows 10 and later
  • Profile Type = Settings Catalog
  • Name = Win10/11 – Catalog – DNS Suffixes (This is just my naming convention, update it to suit yours!)
  • Description = Deploys DNS suffixes to endpoints

Add settings within the catalog and search for DNS Suffix search list and add the following setting to the catalog:

Adding DNS suffix to the settings catalog

Now add in your search list, for me, I am going to add in several, separated via a comma:

Adding in DNS suffixes

That’s it, deploy it to your test devices first to ensure all is well.

Trust but Verify

Always, always, always test your apps, policies, profiles before deploying to production, now that my DNS suffix profile has been deployed to my test devices, let’s check the status from Endpoint Manager and from a client to ensure all is well.

Endpoint Manager

All is reporting back as successful:


DNS suffixes are configured within the network adapter:

Remember, it’s ALWAYS DNS 🤣, until next time!

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